#I actually really enjoyed the part where the old wise guys were moving symbols around to amuse me and themselves. started out great
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power-chords · 5 months ago
Events of the past year have put a lot into perspective, and I watch how my father behaves and reacts and find myself wondering, "Is this generational trauma and the intrinsic intensity of expression, the gushing pathos that is native to Postwar American Yiddishkeyt? Or is this of that other substance I inherited, the kind that gets into more critical biological hardware and overclocks you until you crash (and/or start corresponding with the spirits of historical sages who basically operate like the titular specter from Ghostwriter, yes as in the old children's television series, yes it got that bad)?" Maybe she's born with it! Maybe it's method acting/a mood disorder. They gave my Vaudeville comedienne grandmother electroshock therapy for a "nervous breakdown," so I can probably circle either one, what difference does it make!
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the-pale-goddess · 4 years ago
Ethan & Tiffany: Endgame (HC)
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A quick reminder: I've rejected canon Third Year completely, so mind that none of OHTY bs happens in my E&T canon timeline.
A/N: I tried my best to write every major fact down - hopefully the final product isn’t too messy or too boring, I’m new to the headcanon business and this isn’t even written in the headcanon form because I’m a rebel lol
Huge thanks to the lovely Anon who requested this HC and every single one of you still interested in E&T’s shenanigans, your support is the greatest gift I could ever receive! If you have some more specific questions about these two, feel free to hit my askbox anytime 💕
Now let’s check what’s in store for Tiffany and Ethan!
Neither of them planned children in their lives; they were perfectly comfortable in the relationship they had—living together, advancing their glittering careers while supporting each other, slaying the game as the ultimate power couple.
But life has its ways, of course, and a week prior to their third anniversary Tiffany found out she was pregnant. The news sparked blind panic in the 30-year-old doctor; she thought her whole world fell like dominoes. Tiffany wouldn't intentionally start a family: she'd just started turning her dreams and plans into reality and she didn't even consider herself fit to be a mother (even though deep down she craved it).
She'd spent an entire week full of doubts, listing all her options, before she finally shared the news with Ethan. His reaction was surprisingly calm, considering his stance on having children. Based on the evidence gathered throughout the week, he'd already suspected pregnancy and did some calculations on his own.
They both agreed it wasn’t the best time—their busy schedules didn’t allow them to even reconsider the concept of starting a family. Nevertheless, the baby was coming, and their hearts filled with strange excitement. Having a baby on board seemed surreal at first, but after the dust had settled they felt oddly content about the unforseen circumstances.
E&T's world turned upside down the second their son was born. Raising a child happened to be the greatest challenge these two brilliant doctors had encountered. Luckily, they both relish a good challenge. Guided by the unexpected overflow of affection, they quickly settled into the alien routine of parenthood.
Nathaniel Jonah (also known as NJ, Nate) turned out to be a perfect blend of his parents' most prominent features & traits: Ethan's ocean eyes and stubbornness mixed with Tiffany's smile and warm heart.
Three years later, another surprise awaited. The most shocking thing about the second pregnancy was that it didn't happen sooner (they'd been exceptionally careless). Nicolette „Letty”, a spitting image of her mother, stole Ethan's heart from the start, bringing even more joy to their controlled chaos.
The fancy condo was too small for a family of four, so The Ramdams were forced to find a new home. They moved to a dreamy house in the Boston suburbs merely a month before their daughter was born.
The third one (for a change) received a proper invitation to this world. Tiffany wasn't the biggest fan of the idea of having another baby, but her window was closing (she was 38) and Ethan's palpable excitement tipped the scales. Everyone jokes Aine must be adopted because she's the most unproblematic angel, unlike her parents.
The family wouldn't be full without pets: Nettie (British Shorthair cat) & Hopper (English bulldog).
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Marriage was never on their agenda. Neither of them felt the need to make their relationship formal, it wouldn't change anything between them—they were already acting like a married couple. Both Tiffany and Ethan think there are more valuable symbols of love than some paper signed in the presence of everyone they know. Partnership they were in seemed like the most comfortable and obvious choice.
The topic resurfaced with the pregnancy news. Our good guy Ethan, our Mr Must-Do-What’s-Right, proposed to Tiffany on their third anniversary dinner, right after they discovered they were expecting. He did it because it made sense. Because it was convenient. Because it was a decent thing to do.
But guess what...Tiffany rejected the proposal. She didn’t want to marry out of obligation. If they were really going to jump into marriage, she wanted it to matter. Ethan understood her point of view, though it didn't stop him from jokingly annoying her on every given occasion that she rejected him.
He waited two years before popping the question again. This time she said yes.
Dr. Grumpsey was willing to agree on a lavish wedding if Tiffany would insist. Lucky for him, his woman hates big, conventional weddings and all that unnecessary attention around the reception. They're both very private people, so they planned the wedding they were actually excited about.
They eloped to Miami where it all started, exchanging vows to the accompaniment of the ocean waves, with little NJ by their side. The wedding reception was just three people enjoying their day at the beach.
As you may suspect, their friends and family flew into a rage when they found out the wedding took place behind their backs. Jackie's death threats were particularly disturbing, so E&T decided to throw an afterparty for their loved ones only.
Tiffany saw her future in diagnostics and followed that path, balancing her personal goals with striving for improvement in patient care. The word about her accomplishments with one of the best diagnostics teams spread fast; shortly after her challenging yet successful residency, Doctor Addams quickly proved to be one of the most valuable and respected diagnosticians—not only at Edenbrook, but also statewide, and later nationwide. She cracked some of the toughest, most hopeless cases, saving lives of many patients considered lost causes.
During her first pregnancy, her career was already on high speed and the situation made her even more determined to keep it that way. She didn't want to sacrifice her newly established position and Ethan did everything he could to support her and her career development.
She remained a vital part of Edenbrook's Diagnostics Team under Ethan's leadership for a few years. Their minds combined gave spectacular results and above it all they truly enjoyed working together. However, when Letty was born sharing responsibilities at home and managing the time got significantly harder. With minimal hesitation, Ethan decided it was his cue to leave.
He'd been thinking about the change for much longer than he was willing to admit: over the years he'd accomplished everything he could dream of and Edenbrook had become more of a duty than a challenge. So he quit, leaving the team in the most capable hands of Doctor Addams-Ramsey.
For a year and a half The Ethan Ramsey was a stay-at-home dad, juggling family, research for his second book and setting up his clinic with none other than Tobias Carrick.
Ethan wasn't 100% convinced if starting the practice with Tobias would be a wise move, but the clinic exceeded his expectations. Apart from the great sense of accomplishment, he finally gained full independence at work. And there were no bloody interns to babysit anymore.
When little Ramdams got older, he approached Tiffany with a job offer; the best diagnostician in the country was the last missing link in his clinic. She let it marinate for a few years and accepted the offer at the launch of her second book, soon after Letty's 18th birthday.
If there’s a typo or a mistake somewhere...No, there isn’t kgjdkgjdk
Thanks for reading 🥰 I have a few exciting fics in the making (both AUs & canon) and I hope I’ll be able to finish them soon!
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nomattertheoceans · 4 years ago
The 100?
Thank you Nonnie!!! :) 
Top 5 favourite characters:
Echo / Emori / Raven / Murphy / Octavia
Other characters you like:
A lot, actually! Off the top of my head, Lexa, Clarke (although not in the way most people like her, I enjoy her as an anti-hero lmao), Bellamy, Monty, Jasper, Lincoln, Indra!
Least favourite characters:
Aside from the obvious villains obviously, I’m gonna say Kane and Abby. I never really cared for their stories, I’ve hated Abby since season 1 and Kane since s5 there’s just something about them being absolutely awful leaders and blaming kids for their failures that I can’t get behind.
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Basically lmao.
No but seriously, I think their love story is just great on so many levels, they’re the only love story I really care about in the show.
Other couples I really like are: Bellamy and Echo, Octavia and Lincoln, Octavia and Niylah, Octavia and Diyoza, Murphy and Emori and Raven, Echo and Raven, Jasper and Maya, Monty and Harper
..... Bellarke lmao.
I enjoy the dynamic between Bellamy and Clarke, but I never saw it as romantic, and that’s how I enjoyed it. I love their ennemies to reluctant allies dynamic, I love the fact that their relationship is dysfunctional I love the parallels between Clarke and Octavia. But I don’t enjoy it at all as a romantic dynamic.
Favourite friendships:
Monty and Jasper, Octavia and Jasper, Raven and Murphy
Favourite family:
This is almost only found family because this show has a ton of found family dnamics that I love!! The Blake siblings, Spacekru, Octavia Diyoza and Hope, Raven and Finn.
Favourite episodes:
Murphy’s Law, Blood Must have Blood part 1 and part 2, Thirteen, The Chosen, Pramfayia, Red Queen, The Garden
Favourite season/book/movie:
Season 2. It has my favorite version of Lexa, it has Bellamy and Echo meeting, it has the most interesting antagonists (in my opinion haha). Season 4 is a close second though!
Favourite quotes:
“You believe that to defeat an ennemy who will stop at nothing, you must stop at nothing. How is that any different than Blood must have Blood?” - Luna in s3, because I think this quote shows very well the central conflict of the show, one that was established by Finn in s1: We have to try not to repeat history, and yet everytime, they do repeat it. I disagree with Luna in that instance because the threat that was ALI wasn’t like any other, but I agree with her sentiment.
“In peace, may you leave this shore. In love, may you find the next. Safe passage on your travels. Until our final journey to the Ground. May we meet again.” LISTEN. If there’s is one thing of the world building I absolutely adore, it’s the Traveler’s Blessing. It’s a beautiful prayer, and it gives me all the right emotions when I think about it. I was disappointed with what the show was making of it in seasons 2 and 3, with characters saying it all around, but then there are two instances that really get to me: Octavia and Bellamy saying it over the dead radio at the end of s4, and Monty / Bellamy and Clarke saying it at the end of season 5.
Best musical moment:
I loved the way the music carried the scene right after Lexa’s death, how it melts from Lexa’s death and Titus saying his ritual words, to Becca reaching earth, back to Lexa and the Flame coming out of her.
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest:
Oh boy there are a LOT Off the top of my head: when Monty refuses to leave Jasper alone when he gives his blood to Maya, when Murphy says “Touch me again and I’ll end you... in a non-criminal way”, when Becho was confirmed in s5, When Clarke managed to align the satellite dish in Pramfyia, when Octavia confronted Skaikru in The Chosen,.... I can’t think of others right now but there are a lot lmao You can check out my favorite scenes series if you want, I’m working on it slowly!
When it really disappointed you:
A lot of times, honestly... I’m gonna say, all of season 6. I hated it. It had so much potential, with characters having to deal with the aftermath of season 5, Monty and Harper dying, Jordan existing, Wonkru.... Instead we got a whole mess that didn’t do much for any character and I was really disappointed.
Saddest moment:
Lincoln’s death. I knew it was coming because I knew the actor was leaving the show, but I was so NOT READY for it omg it’s the scene I still cry everytime I watch it because it’s so sad and heartwrenching....
Most well done character death:
Okay so I think The 100 is really bad at having well done character deaths, so I’m gonna say my less well-done one lmaoooo
Lexa’s. Her death was so stupid. I wasn’t in the fandom at the time so I wasn’t aware of the awful queerbaiting that was going on, so without talking about BTS and marketing ploys, I do believe that her death was heavily predicted by the show. However, it was a stupid death and Lexa was too awesome a character to die by a stray bullet. She deserved a proper send-off, she deserved to die in an epic battle, or fighting for what she believed in,..... not a bullet. 
Favourite guest star:
I know Shawn Mendes (Mendez? I don’t know lmao i don’t know him) was a guest star but I don’t know any other guest star so I guess that’s my answer lmao
Favourite cast member:
I don’t follow the cast, so I don’t have a favorite xD
Character you wish was still alive:
Jasper and Finn both deserve to still be alive, because the show treated their mental struggles like shit and I’m very bitter about that!
One thing you hope really happens:
Honestly, I don’t know? We have four episodes left of the entire show and I have no idea where it’s headed lmao I guess I hope both Emori and Murphy survive to see the end and have a long and happy life <3
Most shocking twist:
Okay I actually have three so I’ll you my top three:
1- The revelation of the Mountain Men. I was absolutely NOT expecting this to happen and I was gasping and going “nooooooooo way!!!” at my computer because it was so out of nowhere!! I loved it lmao
2- Murphy discovers that ALI destroyed the world: the ending of s2. That scene is so chilling, Murphy watching the video of Chris crying and killing himself, cut with scenes of Jaha getting to the mansion and the wholse scene with ALI herself... that whole scene was really cool and unexpected!
3- Clarke and Jaha steal the bunker during the conclave. I was so SHOOK by this moment, it was such a bold move and I loved it!
When did you start watching/reading?:
Early January, 2015. I was back at my appartment waiting for the semester to start, my roommates weren’t back from the holidays yet, and I was bored. So I started the show, and I binged all of season 1 and half of season 2 in 24 hours xD I caught up at Spacewalker, and then had to wait two weeks for the next episode to air and it was agony!!!!
Best animal/creature:
Favourite location:
The Second Dawn Bunker. Yeah I know it’s strange coming from me because I absolutely hate so many things about the bunker xD But it was such a cool location!! With the rotunda/arena, the farm, the huge corridors,.....
Trope you wish they would stop using:
“It’s the end of the world, whatever shall we do???” I’m just tired you guys. Nuclear apocalypses and other bombings should not be that common lmao
One thing this show/book/film does better than others:
I love the fact that it has so many different and well developped female characters.It shouldn’t be rare, but it still is, and this show really stands out to me for that reason. I’m not saying it’s the peak of feminism or anything because lmao IT’S NOT. But the women of the show have agency, freedom, they’re all distinct from one another and not just tropes and cliches. I really like it.
Funniest moments:
Nothing comes to mind right now? I feel like an idiot lmao I have so many moments that make me laugh and I can’t think of a single one right now x)
Couple you would like to see:
I would love to have canon Murphy x Emori x Raven!!
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast:
Nobody haha sorry
Favourite outfit:
Blodreina’s cape thingy!
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Favourite item:
Raven’s necklace!!! I’m actually hoping to make myself one someday, it’s my favorite thing ^^
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?:
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?:
I wish I could be spacekru haha they’re the best found family of the whole show and we deserved a flashback episode for them <3
Most boring plotline:
the entirety of season 6 xDDDDD
No but seriously, I’m gona say Illian’s plot. Honestly I never got into it at all, I didn’t care enough about him, or his family.
Most laughably bad moment:
I mean, the pilot is pretty cringe-worthy xD
Best flashback/flashfoward if any:
the flashbacks of the Dark Year.
Most layered character:
Most one dimensional character:
Jordan lmao I was so disappointed with his story in s6.....
Scariest moment:
OMG in season 2 when Bellamy, Octavia and the guards go into the old parking garage and CAROL OF THE BELLS START PLAYING THAT WAS SO FUCKING CREEPY
Grossest moment:
Ewwww the whole worm thing happening in s5, AND the weird trees growing inside people in s6 xD
Best looking male:
S5 Murphy, hands down. Also s7 Murphy cause he spends half his time shirtless lmao
Best looking female:
Emori! She’s so pretty.
Who you’re crushing on (if any):
I mean everybody is gorgeous but I don’t have a particular fixation haha
Favourite cast moment:
I don’t watch interviews or BTS stuff so I don’t know much, but Richard Harmon wearing hie sister’s costume and wig was really funny ^^
Favourite transportation:
Becca’s rocket
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise):
It’s very obvious symbolism, but I love the last shot of Blood must have blood part 1, with Clarke standing alone in front of the door of Mount Weather.
Also, Octavia forcing the clans into submission in Red Queen, the mini conclave in fron of the doors of the vafeteria. The shots in that scene were really good!
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you:
Lmaooooooo do you have ten hours? Because that’s how long I can ramblr about the inconsistencies and plotholtes of this show x) Off the top of my head:
- Why does everybody on the Ark speak Enlighs?
- If Becca knew Nightblood could let you live on Earth then why didn’t she distribute it among the space stations?
- Why did Cadogan build the bunker in the middle of the city when he had a prefectly good FOREST??
- If Lexa is the first Commander to unite the clans then what was the role of the Commander before her?
- Why didn’t the Ark send one adult with the 100 (Pyke) to protect and help them?
- How come the Eligius IV prisoners don’t die when they come back to Earth in s5 since they have no nightblood and didn’t adapt through evolution?
- How is it that Spacekru survived with algea alone but Wonkru had to have this huge variety of plants?? WHAT’S THE MAGIC ALGEA MONTY???
- Why did Mount Weather crash the Exodus ship?
- If the ressources on the Ark are so scarce then why would they float people with clothes on them?
- How come Raven could visit Finn in prison but Bellamy couldn’t visit Octavia?? If Octavia was in solitary, why?
...... Okay i’m gonna stop for now lmao but I could write an entire memoir on the inconsistencies of this show lmao
Best promo:
That one:
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At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: 
I’m thinking Murphy’s Law? The first few episodes were a little too teenage-drama for me but this episode shifted my opinion enough to get me to keep watching ^^
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winryofresembool · 6 years ago
Edwin fic: A Haircut
A/N: Long time no fics (again). Feels like I’m saying that too often these days. But anyway, here is finally one! This.... probably doesn’t /actually/ happen in canon as in all the post promised day shots of Winry she has long hair but I wanted to write this anyway so here we go. I imagine this fic takes place a few months into the boys’ return to Resembool, and Edwin is starting to act a bit coupley. Please enjoy and review! This fic is dedicated to @stephysketchy for being such a super nice person :’)
Words: 2200ish
Genre: guess.(Floof)
Warnings: none
“Did you hear that Annie cut her hair short after breaking up with her boyfriend? I saw her yesterday and I can tell you guys, it doesn’t suit her at all.”
It was an early morning, and Winry was sitting at a small Resembool café with her old friends Nelly and Mary, after deciding to give herself a break from working on her current automail project for a day. Her granny had recommended she should try to bond with her old classmates more now that the whole Promised Day disaster was over and she was allowed to leave the house. However, Winry quite quickly realized it was not a very good idea, in the end.
It had been almost a year since she had last seen either of her friends because of all the traveling, working and hiding. So much had happened during that year, making the emotional gap between her and her Resembool friends wider than she had imagined. Winry supposed it was called growth. She was no longer the same person she had been. Meanwhile, these girls, who knew nothing about the recent events of Amestris, were still in the same spot where they had been when they previously met. They still gossiped shamelessly with no worries about what anyone would think of them, while Winry was already ready to leave the café and never come back. But she decided to try to be patient; maybe they would change the topic soon.
“Really?” Mary asked, pulling Winry back from her frustrated thoughts. “What a shame. Her hair was so pretty. Did she explain why she did that?”
“Yep,” Nelly nodded. “Apparently she had heard some people cut their hair after a big change in their lives, such as a break up. But if you ask me, that’s a liiittle bit overdramatic. I wouldn’t ruin my hair for a boy.” She twirled her long tresses proudly.
There was a loud bang on the table. “OK, I have heard enough,” Winry announced angrily, a venomous expression on her face. “Can you hear how awful you guys sound? What if Annie was talking about you guys the same way? How would you feel about that?”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought too,” Winry hissed. “Annie is allowed to do whatever she wants with her hair. If you guys have nothing better to talk about, I’m gonna go back to my workshop. At least the metals are something I understand.”
Winry rose from her seat and made a dramatic exit that she imagined Ed would have been proud of. She wondered briefly how he would have reacted to the girls’ conversation. Probably the same way she did (except, even more dramatic if possible), she concluded, and continued towards her home.
However, one part of the conversation did stick to her mind: the reason behind Annie’s hair cut. It made her think about her own life and the changes she had gone through. The apprenticeship in Rush Valley. The Promised Day and events that had led to it. A few months ago, she had finally gotten her two best friends back, and things had calmed down notably. She didn’t have to worry about Ed and Al anymore, and she was free to do whatever she wanted. That was a feeling she wasn’t used to, but something told her she should embrace it. She should do something she hadn’t done in a long while, and now she knew what it was.
She would cut her hair short.
Sure, there were also more practical reasons why she wanted to do it: the long hair got easily stuck between the metal plates and joints when she was working on automail, and in the summer heat her ponytail got all sweaty, but more than that, she wanted to see this hair cut as a symbol of the new, more peaceful part of her life. Besides, she smirked to herself, she would definitely love to see her “friends’” expressions when she’d show up at the town center with the short hair. And – a tiny voice spoke inside her – maybe she was also a little bit curious about how a certain golden-haired boy would react. She hoped he wouldn’t hate it even if it was her own opinion that mattered the most.
A couple of hours later, Winry stepped out of a hairdresser’s shop. She was sporting an bob cut that was slightly shorter from the back than front and a content smile that was nearly as wide as Ed’s. In her opinion, the cut had been a success and she was quite positive Ed and Al would like it too. Now all she had to do was to go home and see what would happen.
“Hello?” Is anyone home?”
Den ran to greet Winry when she opened the door, but to her slight disappointment the boys weren’t anywhere to be seen. She figured they must have been jogging somewhere, working on Al’s stamina. Her granny, however, gave her a couple of compliments about her hair when she found her from the kitchen. Pinako remembered that Winry’s mother had had exactly the same kind of hair cut when she had started dating her son and showed Winry an old photograph of her from that time. In the picture Sara was wearing a blue summer dress that Pinako believed was still in her late son and daughter-in-law’s old room. Winry wanted to see it, leaving her granny to cook and digging into the wardrobe of her mother.
For a moment, Winry felt overwhelmed as she smelled her mother’s dresses and remembered the times when she had seen them on her. After wiping a couple tears from her cheek, she noticed the one she had been looking for and gently took it out of the closet. She tried it on and was happy to notice it fit to her.
The dress in question was a light blue cotton dress, with a long ribbon going around the waist. Its sleeves were short and the hem about knee-length for Winry. She thought it would be quite suitable for the picnic she and the boys had planned for that day; not too fancy but still comfortable for the warm weather. The color also seemed to match her eyes.
The young woman took a look at the clock on the wall and realized it was almost lunch time; Ed and Al would probably come back from their work out session soon. Leaving the blue dress on, she quickly organized the rest of her mother’s dresses back into the closet and went to help her granny to pack the food for the picnic.
“You seem awfully eager about the picnic today,” Pinako noted suddenly as they were filling the basket, taking a look at Winry’s appearance. “Are you sure you are not trying to impress someone?”
“What, who would I need to impress?” she tried casually but blushed a bit nevertheless.
“Winry, I may be old but not blind,” Pinako shook her head but let the topic be.
The boys were waiting in the hall when Winry came there with the picnic basket. At first Ed was more focused on the basket, curious about its contents, but when he turned to see Winry, his mouth went wide open.
“Something’s different about you,” he stammered wisely.
“Well, yeah, brother, she has cut her hair short!” Al said like it should have been the most obvious thing. “Can’t believe how blind you are. Oh, is that a new dress, too, Winry? Both the dress and the hairstyle suit you very well!”
“Thank you, Al! No, it’s my mother’s old dress, but this is the first time I’m using it!” Winry beamed happily, satisfied that at least Al had noticed what was different.
Al nudged Ed on his arm, telling him to say something too.
“Umm… the hair looks… nice?”
“Just nice?” Winry’s happiness turned into disappointment. “You should be happy you won’t be getting so many long hair between your knee joints from now on…”
“Winry, I think when brother says ‘nice’ he means he thinks it’s super pretty,” Al tried to calm her down.
“Oh, well,” Winry sighed. “Anyway, let’s go then.”
On their way to their favorite picnic spot, Winry, who was walking in front of the brothers, felt that she was being stared at the entire time. Her suspicions turned out to be true when she first heard Al whispering something, and Ed, incapable of staying quiet, immediately yelled back: “I’m not staring, I’m just… checking that nothing falls out of the basket!”
“And sheep can fly, brother,” Al snickered back, not having any of it.
Winry smiled contently, glad she had gotten some reaction from Ed after all.
“I’m hoping none of that milk I packed has spilled over, that would be a disaster, wouldn’t it, Ed?” she asked slyly.
“I… what? Why did you pack milk?! Al, she’s crazy.”
“That’s how I know you didn’t actually pay attention to the basket, you would definitely have noticed the milk,” Winry laughed and Ed turned bright red.
“Way to make him silent, Winry!” Al exclaimed and reached to give her a high five.
Ed mumbled something to himself, but the others couldn’t hear what was being said, other than possibly giving a second thought to something.
Eventually, the trio reached a spot where they could see all the way to the Resembool lake and spread the sheet on the grass. As an “apology” to Ed for her earlier teasing, Winry sat right next to him and fed him grapes from her hand. Al just watched the two of them with amusement. They still hadn’t made an official “announcement” about dating, but everyone within a 5-mile radius from them knew what was going on.
Ed broke the peaceful silence by asking: “So, why did you cut your hair? I thought you liked the long hair.”
“I did!” Winry answered. “But… You remember Mary and Nelly, right? I heard them mocking someone’s short hair, and… I want to show them that they are wrong.” “That sounds like something you would do,” Ed laughed and patted Winry on her head. Then he combed his fingers through her blonde locks to test how it would feel like, a move weirdly intimate for him. Al decided he should let the other two have a moment alone and pointed towards the road: “Oh, look! Mr. Jackman is there with his dog! I should go say I hi to them, I need to thank him for borrowing… um, something. I’ll be right back.”
“OK, Al. Don’t stay too long, the soup will get cold.” Winry said after him.
“So…” Ed grumbled, not sure what to say once they were alone.
“It feels so different from earlier,” he stated after twirling a lock of her hair between his fingers. “In a good way!” he responded to Winry’s questioning look. “I mean, my fingers don’t get tangled into it anymore.”
“Silly. I’m glad you are enjoying it that much. But yeah, it’s much easier to take care of now too. And I should be able to inspect your automail more closely too now that it won’t get stuck there.” She winked.
Chills went through Ed’s spine. “Hey! Don’t… talk to me like that here! We’re in public!”
“And could be heard by whom? Mr. Jackman seems to be chatting with Al eagerly and I don’t see anyone else nearby.”
“You really are a bit crazy,” Ed said but pulled her closer to him. “Anyway, why do I think you are not telling me everything about the reason why you cut your hair?”
“Sometimes you’re too curious for your own good, alchemy geek.” Winry gave him a disapproving look.
“C’mon, you can tell me.”
Winry poked her fingers together nervously. “Well, they say that… some people like to get a haircut after they have experienced some big life change…”
“And?” Ed urged her to continue.
“That is kinda why I wanted to do it,” Winry answered. “Because… this situation is new to us. I mean… we… have lost a lot on our journey, but… now we have reached this point. We are safe… and we can do whatever we want, right?”
Ed seemed to think about it for a little while. “Well, when you put it that way… it makes sense. So, what is it that you want to do?”
“I want to become the best automail mechanic I can be! But… right now? This is probably gonna sound lame to you… but I just want to enjoy this moment.”
She snuggled closer to Ed’s arm, waiting for his response.
“Nah, I get what you mean,” he said to Winry’s surprise and wrapped an arm around her. “By the way… I think it suits you.”
“Your new hair! I… really do like it.”
“I figured as much,” Winry chuckled, nudging him gently. Before she could get too comfortable on Ed’s lap, though, his stomach started grumbling, telling them it was time to eat.
“We should tell Al to come back as well,” Winry pointed out, nodding towards the two men still talking a few dozen metres away.
“I guess you’re right,” Ed snorted and hid his face into a huge sandwich.
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fireflyfish · 6 years ago
battlefront matchup anon again, i'm now very excited to read the Local Force Users Anonymous meeting fic, thank you for this hilarity
Hello again, Nony! Ask and Fishy shall deliver… some of the time… when I don’t have a season to work on… or Rex to poke. 
This ask and the insanity below was inspired by this lovely gifset. 
Don’t Bring a Blaster to a Lightsaber Fight
A.K.A A Weekly Meetup for Local Force Users
Han Solo, known scoundrel, smuggler and the only person to make the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs, if you rounded down, found himself in a strange place. He had somehow ended up, of course through no fault of his own, in an industrial part of… somewhere that was wrapped in blue fog and was, for reasons unknown to him, standing in a puddle, even though he was pretty sure it hadn’t rained that day.
Walking forward, Han could see that he was not alone in the mysterious blue place with incongruous puddles and machinery that looked like it would explode if you looked at it too long.
As he walked, Han could see a row of dark-robed figures lining up in front of him, a few meters away. They stood in a line like a holo boy band and Han was going to tell them that until he realized that he was standing in front of Darth Vader, the bastard who had tortured him to lure his good friend Luke into a trap. And then cut off Luke’s hand because symbolism? Who knows but it was a bad move, Anakin. A very bad move.
Sarcastic comment now dead on his lips, Han Solo pulled out his blaster and aimed it straight at Darth Vader’s heart, ignoring the fact that the last time he had tried to shoot Darth Vader it had gone over about as well as the first time he tried to win the Falcon from Lando in a game of sabaac. Although in Han’s defense Lando cheated and I suppose one could argue that secretly having the Chosen One be the Empire’s ruthless and brutal enforcer is kind of cheating too.
But we digress.
While Vader waited next to what Han could only assume was the Emperor, flanked by some old dude posing dramatically and a guy who looked he got an awesome buy-one-get-one deal at a tattoo shop, three other people strode up towards Han. One was an attractive young woman in a quilted vest with brown hair and a lightsaber as well as a handsome gentleman with hair that could only be described as “swooshy” in white armor and his own lightsaber.
Han Solo was starting to worry that he had somehow ended up in some kind of strange Jedi street fight when his best friend Luke showed up, swinging around his new green lightsaber like he actually knew what he was doing.
Which he did. Right?
“Kid,” Han hissed to Luke, trying to keep a level and intimidating gaze as the face off continued. “Who are these people?”
Luke shrugged a little in his defensive stance. “Besides Vader and the Emperor, I’m not really sure.”
“Who are you people?” the young woman next to Han asked, looking like she was ready to go toe to toe with some seriously bad motherkriffers who probably had at least 150 years of experience on her and her awesome looking vest. She also, inexplicably, had a crisp Coruscanti accent that has never been explained to either Han or the author’s knowledge.
“I’m Luke Skywalker and this is my friend, Han Solo,” Luke said as the villians continued to stand there, looking evil, foreboding and black. These guys really liked black and red.
“You’re Han Solo?” the girl to Han’s right gasped in shocked delight. “You’re alive?!”
“Am I not supposed to be?” Han asked in reply, looking over at Luke very confused. “Is this more of your hokey Force religion, Luke?”
“Skywalker, did you say?” the really disarmingly-attractive man in the white armor asked, peering all the way around to frown at Luke. “Did I hear you correctly? Your name is Luke Skywalker?”
“Yes, that’s my name. Do I know you?” Luke replied.
“My name is Rey and… well… the last time I saw you, you were… a lot older and…” Rey frowned, still talking to Han, and looked away, as if carrying a heavy burden before cheering up. “But this is wonderful! You’re alive! The Force is amazing! I have to tell General Organa!”
“You wouldn’t happen to be related to someone named Anakin Skywalker, would you?” asked the ginger haired man with the armor and sexy accent.
“Leia is a general?” Han gaped, confused.
“That’s my father,” Luke said, also confused because there are a lot of people talking at the same time and it’s getting hard to keep track of them. “Why? Do you know him?”
“Yes, she’s leading the resistance against the First Order,” Rey explained with a stars in her eyes as she beheld her hero in his younger, sexier form. Poor girl. Your author hopes she never watches Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade because that has ruined your author for all other Harrison Ford movies.
“Know him? He’s my former padawan,” the man at the end of the line up of heroes said with a charming, toothy smile and a jaunty laugh. “I don’t know where he is at this moment but once I take care of this, I’m going to go find him and save him from whatever nonsense he’s gotten himself into.”
Meanwhile, a few meters away.
Darth Vader grit his teeth and vowed vengeance against the young, handsome, charming, attractive– had he always been that sexy in armor?– Obi-Wan Kenobi talking to his son like he didn’t even know that he, the fallen Anakin Skywalker, was right there. He was right there and Obi-Wan wasn’t even paying attention to him. The utter gall of that man!
How dare Obi-Wan show up now, looking so… so… hot and young and beautiful? And wasn’t he supposed to be dead? Vader was pretty sure he had killed Obi-Wan and immediately regretted it but that’s how Anakin rolls, gentle readers on the Death Star.
“Allow me to rid this galaxy of Kenobi’s infuriating presence once and for all, my master,” Vader rumbled in that terrifying voice that sounded nothing like his real voice but that’s okay because we have that traumatizing Rebels episode for that particular heartbreak.
“No,” Count Dooku intoned, his ominous voice rumbling through the area like thunder because his best buddy Gandalf helpfully volunteered to do the sound effects for this battle. “I will be the one to bring Kenobi to the Dark Side once and for all. He could be a powerful ally and it’s what Qui-Gon would have wanted.”
“If anyone is going to kill KENOBAEAUGUHGHA it is going to be me!” Maul snarled and paced around because that’s what he does when he’s being evil. He snarls, paces and says KENOBAEAUGUHGHA over and over again. Honestly, it gets kind of weird after a while.
Palpatine just covered his face with his hand and muttered to himself. “I should have killed that sexy ginger myself.”
“Padawan? What’s a padawan?” Luke asked because, again, he had like a weeks worth of training in the Jedi arts and the author is pretty sure Yoda had more important things to do than to go into the naming nomenclature of the Jedi order. “Wait… Obi-Wan? Are you Obi-Wan Kenobi?!”
Obi-Wan gave Luke that charming, sexy grin of his and nodded. “Yes, I am. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Luke. And you two as well, Han and Rey.”
“Uh… Hi,” Han said, waving his hand a little as Rey peered around him to gasp at Luke.
“Luke Skywalker?!” Rey almost squealed with delight because let’s be honest here, Gareth Pugh Couture Jumpsuit Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker is PEAK Luke. “I have your lightsaber! I need you to teach me how to be a Jedi!”
Han Solo took a step back while the lightsaber wielding crazies, as a wise man once called them, talked to and over each other. Or rather, while Rey and Luke tried to have a three-way conversation that Obi-Wan was occasionally roped into when someone needed to be gently corrected as to how the Force and the Jedi Order worked.
“No, we don’t mind control people like that, Rey.”
“Luke, that is nothing like what a defensive Soresu stance should look like. Who taught you that?”
“Yes, I agree, that lightsaber sounds most immature and poorly built. Who did you say made it? Kylie Ren?”
Han, being the clever and observant type, noticed that the Dark Side users, that was what Luke called them, were all glaring over at Obi-Wan and since Han wasn’t in the mood to get stabbed or lose a hand like Luke, he decided to interrupt the impromptu Light Side pow-wow. “Hey… so… Vader, I know, and I’m pretty sure that guy in the hooded robe is Emperor Palpatine but does anybody know what’s up with Grampa and Pointy over there? Are they a part of your Fist Order, Rey?”
“It’s First Order, not Fist Order and, no, I’ve never seen them before,” Rey said, frowning. “Although I have heard of Darth Vader, mostly in passing. He died on the second Death Star over Endor. Him and the Emperor.”
“There’s another Death Star?” Han and Luke groaned at the same time. And a third one too but the author did not have time to go into all of that.
“Gramps and Pointy,” Obi-Wan explained, enjoying a good chuckle at Maul’s expense like we all should, pointing to each man in turn. “Are Sith Lords. Count Dooku was my master’s master, a fallen Jedi who now goes by the name of Darth Tyranus. He tried to recruit me to the Dark Side and cut off my padawan’s arm. And Pointy is Darth Maul, who murdered my master. I cut him in half and kicked him down a plasma shaft but apparently he shook that off somehow.”
Luke gaped in horror. “You cut him in HALF and he LIVED?”
“Next time I’ll aim for his neck,” Obi-Wan shrugged.
“KENOBAEAUGUHGHA!” Maul bellowed from a few meters away where the Sith Lords were standing in place because authorial intent is stronger than the Dark Side. “At last I will have my revenge!”
“Fool,” Dooku bellowed with a dramatic flourish of his cape. “You are but a mad dog, a tool my master used to bring himself to power. Kenobi will be a great ally to the Sith once turned.”
“Silence!” Vader said in that lovely James Earl Jones bass, clenching his fist as if he could squeeze the life out of Obi-Wan like he did to Admiral Ozzel, Captain Needa and others who out of an abundance of tact the author will not name. “I am going to be the one to finally destroy Obi-Wan Kenobi and then the Jedi Order’s failures will be complete.”
Luke and Rey exchanged a glance and turned to Obi-Wan, horrified at the narrative arc of his life.
Obi-Wan sighed. “Oh, is it Tuesday again?”
Emperor Palpatine muttered to himself under his breath. “You had one job, Commander Cody. Just one! But, no! You couldn’t even do that right! Why did I even order a Clone Army? They spent most of their time getting cool-looking tattoos and painting their armor! Hell! Captain Rex was more concerned about getting airtime and being cast in Return of the Jedi than carrying out my master plan!”
Now Han Solo, for all the grief the author has given him in this story that has gone on longer than they wanted, is a smart man. One does not smuggle spice, coaxium, or whatever in the age of the Empire unless one is clever and quick on his feet and Han Solo is pretty quick on his feet.
Especially when running away from a bunch of stormtroopers on the Death Star. The author thinks he might have broken a record or something in that scene.
Anyway, Han Solo realized that a few things about the situation he found himself it.
Number one, he didn’t want to fight Vader and get his blaster stolen again.
Number two, everyone at the informal Force Users of Star Wars meetup seemed oddly obsessed with Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Number three, there was a way out of this if he just played his cards right. And as Han would tell you, he is very good at cards.
Clearing his throat, Han Solo announced in a loud voice that just barely managed to pierce the din of Force users talking about Obi-Wan Kenobi. “None of you love Obi-Wan Kenobi as much as I do.”
“What?!” Vader barked, looking around for the person who dared to lay claim to the mantle of Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Number One Fan and Nemesis. “Who said that?”
“Just his biggest fan,” Han Solo said again, smirking at Vader. “I even got an official certificate from the Jedi Order in here somewhere.”
“You do not!” Vader protested angrily. “I made them stop giving those out after they tried to give Ahsoka one!”
“What?!” Obi-Wan gaped, stunned. “What official certificate?”
“Nonsense! Kenobi is my life’s goal! My mission and obsession! I am his greatest fan!” Maul snarled, shoving his way forward into the crowd that was slowly starting to form not so much around Obi-Wan but more like in front of him, so that his adoring crowd could all show off how much they loved him and were willing to kill everyone in the galaxy to prove it. Because that’s healthy.
Well, Palpatine just wanted to kill Obi-Wan once and for all but even he had to admit the man was nice on the eyes.
“Maybe that’s why Commander Cody missed,” Palpatine muttered in an aside as he tried to hobble around the bickering crowd.
“Kenobi is my grandpadawan!” Dooku insisted, refusing to let the younger Sith steal away his prize. “If anyone has that right, it should be me!”
“Listen, I didn’t want to have to throw my weight around like this but I am the main character of this story,” Luke insisted, almost elbowing Maul in the face as he tried to get a word in. “And Obi-Wan did spend eighteen years on Tatooine AND I am a Skywalker so if anybody is going to be Obi-Wan’s biggest fan, I think it should be me.”
“TATOOINE?!” Vader exploded. “You were on Tatooine all this time?! You made my poor, sexy master waste away on Tatooine?!”
“Excuse me, Lord Vader,” Palpatine interjected. “But I am your master, remember?’
“Yeah, yeah, whatever Sheev,” Vader muttered, rolling his eyes behind his mask. “Listen, Luke, son, kid, I know you’re new to this whole ‘Jedi business’ but let me straighten you out. As Obi-Wan Kenobi’s former padawan learner, I get first dibs on him, okay? Me, not you, not Grumpy Grandpa over here and definitely not Rage-Face Robo-Legs over here.”
“But you’re a Sith Lord!”
“Does that look like it’s stopping any of the rest of Obi-Wan’s fanboys? Hell! I bet even Palpatine has a few sexy pictures of his from the Clone Wars.”
“I knew I never should have told you about my secret thirst tumblr, Vader!”
“See what I mean?”
While this heated battle of words, fannish desire and single minded obsession devotion continued on apace, Han Solo took his opportunity to make his escape. He was going to try to get Luke’s attention but it was clear that Luke had fallen under the sway of Kenobi and wouldn’t be leaving any time soon. Rey also looked like she wanted to elbow her way into the squabble of McQueen black robes and knee high Chanel boots but Han reached out to stop her. “C’mon, kid, we’re getting out of here.”
“But we can’t just leave them!” Rey insisted in that way that reminded Han of Leia but also Luke. He wondered if perhaps Rey was related to them somehow because it seemed like everyone was related to a Skywalker these days but quickly forgot it in the heat of the moment.
“They’ll be fine,” Han insisted, seeing a break in the blue fog encircling the nonsense he found himself in. “Besides, what are we going to do against four bad guys with lightsabers?”
Rey opened her mouth to insist that she had somehow managed to download Kylo Ren’s ability to wield a lightsaber but then she realized she would have to explain Kylo Ren to Han Solo and she just didn’t have the heart to tell him about that because your author is STILL salty about that, gentle reader. STILL SALTY. “All right let’s go. Obi-Wan? We’re leaving. Are you coming with us?”
Obi-Wan was leaning against a pile of old rubble, watching the Luke and the Sith Lords squabble over him. He looked over at Rey and Han, waving them off. “Oh, no, thank you, my dear. I’m quite used to this by now. I’m sure Ahsoka and Captain Rex will be along in a minute to pick me and Luke up. You two go on and may the Force be with you both.”
Rey looked at Han Solo, who shrugged, and with that they both ran for the fog.
“That isn’t even your real voice, Skywalker! How can you truly do credit to the name of KENOBAEAUGUHGHA if you have to rely on James Earl Jones to sound intimidating?”
“What are you even saying? That sounds nothing like my grandpadawan’s name! It must be said with deep, solemn and regretful feeling. You have to project. Like this. Kenobi.”
“Why are all my apprentices obsessed with this Kenobi? He’s not even that attractive. Now Qui-Gon Jinn? That was a man!”
Obi-Wan groaned and buried his face in his hands.
Yup, this was just another Tuesday.
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hearts-lover · 6 years ago
My opinion about Paopu Fruit
Disclaimer: If you are a Soriku/Sokai fan, please read this with an open mind. Even though I personally like Sokai, I understand the idea of Soriku that the fan seems to enjoy but either way, Do not insult/threaten me if you see me talking about something that triggered you. If you wish to speak your own opinion about this subject, then please be mature about this. I will also only be talking about the English version of the Kingdom Hearts series, I am aware that in the Japanese version each line have a different meaning, but since I grew up with Kingdom hearts in America then I will be talking only that, so I apologize for not getting into more details. Never thought I’ll be making another one, but here we are. The reason why I wanna talk about the Paopu fruit because I was chilling looking at #kingdomhearts3 where I see someone (not mentioning who) mentioned about Sora and Riku Fusion Keyblade keychain
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and since that, I see the same fusion keyblade in Kh Dream Drop Distance, and so I went and try to find a rendered version of it
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And if we play Kingdom hearts 1 when we were all young Riku say this:
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So that's it, right? After all of this year, Soriku is finally canon without even showing it right? Well, it is if you don’t have eyes. I took a closer look at the KH1 version of the Paopu fruit.
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Rendered version: 
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I tried to found some other moments where the paopu fruit is mentioned once again. I was able to find it in Birth by sleep
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358/2 Days
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and finally in Kingdom hearts 3
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and while the paopu fruit did also mention in Chain of memories, It was only just a lucky charm that Namine created. but anyway moving on. What could this mean? How come when paopu fruit was seen when Sora and Kairi, the leaf wasn’t in the side, but when it comes to Sora and Riku, Leafs in both side. Well even though I got no proof of this being canon, so this is just a headcanon opinion, but...what if Sora and Riku’s fruit means the opposite of what Riku describe it? Before the angry Soriku/anti-Sokai/Anti-Kairi spam me hates comments on me, I want you to think about this. Don’t you think its a little coincidence that when its come to Sora and Kairi, they eat both sides of the fruit similar to the story Riku stated and the Drawing Sora and Kairi made:
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and yet the only time we see Sora, Riku and a paopus in the same screen, was in KH1 Chain of memories, DDD to KH3 on only in DDD and KH3 we only see this kind of fruit:
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The reason why I say that in Sora and Riku case that its lore could be the opposite because look at Kh1 paopu fruit, it was basically made for two people to eat on both side, and since I’ve seen people joke and talk about what Sora and Kairi didn’t do it right and was expected this:
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Original belong to MariCorsair plus, if we use what Riku stated and try to the opposite of what he said, (since Sora and riku Fruit leafs is in the opposite then the one in Kh1 and the one Kairi give to Sora) It could mean that no matter, even if you break it in half, or take off the leaf, the two people who share will never be intertwined (at least in my headcanon opinion) Now I know you guys are going to say when you guy mention Kairi Keyblade:
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“uM aCtUaLlY, kAiRi HaD tHe SaMe ChArM aS tHe FuSiOn ChArM” And while I agree because I had eyes, doesn’t mean we should Sokai any less. Remember, Sora isn’t the one who gives Kairi a Keyblade, Riku did in KH2 when Sora reaches to The World That Never Was:
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and since Kingdom hearts never explain how Riku is able to find one suitable for Kairi, the only thing that I can figure out is that Riku created her keyblade so she can defend herself. and since we’re talking about the Keyblade Keychain, let talk more about that. We know that between Mickey and Riku, they’re like the bestest of friend Mickey has to save Riku in many cases to the point where Riku trust him, even to the point to be his only ally whenever Sora isn’t around. and since we know that in Kh1; Sora Keyblade “Kingdom Key” isn’t actually his keyblade, it was Riku, but because of Riku is sided by the darkness, and Sora relies on his friend than darkness, the Keyblade choose the actual welder, Sora. and since that, we know the Kingdom Key Keychain is Mickey Symbol:
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and after he lost two keyblades in one day (The Kingdom key and The Keyblade of Hearts that DOESN’T have a keychain) He obtains a new one in Rechain of memories called the “Way to the dawn” in Kingdom hearts 2
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The keychain of this keyblade mostly evidences that Riku must’ve able to control the darkness and uses it to protect his friend and defend himself. Then again, he did use the darkness to defeat Lexaeus and Zexion (cutscene wise) in Chain of memories. and use the darkness of Ansem to knock out Roxas in 358/2 days (or the cutscene in KH2 final mix) but after its broke in Kh3, he got a new upgraded Keyblade, and even though its look like a Car key, look at the key chain.
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Plus, Master Yin Sid, a former Keyblade Master has created this for Riku since he left his old one in the Dark World. The keychain had to have some sort of connection to the person hearts/bond and you always get these, either whenever you made some new friends and help them save their world, or either they give it to you as a prize or a good luck charm. Don’t you think its a little weird that Kairi keychain that Riku made for her is similar to Sora and Riku fusion Keychain? I think Nomura is trying to tell us something. plus if you really think about it, Sokai and Soriku have some sort of parallel. Even though Sora and Kairi have shared the fruits thus as stated from Riku “They’ll remind a part to each other, no matter what” and yet most time, we barely see these two together. anytime that we see Sora and Kairi, we usually see them in the distance or see them together in a short time despite we should to believe that they’ll be a part together no matter what And yet whenever we see Sora and Riku they always together and we suppose to believe that they NOT gonna be together because of my Headcanon opinions. idk, but one thing for sure There is no reason for nomura to make two different Paopu fruit one for fruit and one for keychain, but Sora Riku Fusion Keychain and Kairi Keychain remain the same. He trying to tell us something, guys. Edited: also before people send me this:
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Yes, I know that in some cases, There will be a paopu fruit that only has one leaf, but look where the bites at. Since sora have a leaf in his mouth, its most likely that he finished his fruit, and since in-game, an actual paopu fruit look like this
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and who is the only one Sora shared with who most likely eat the left side of the paopu fruit?
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I rest my case.
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libbylax16 · 8 years ago
Living Among the Dead
Don't own Naruto only the story! Just language in this one really Hope you enjoy my first attempt at fanfiction! R/R would be much appreciated! The city is quiet at night despite all the lights illuminating part of the cold sky. Before the sun is even setting, people are in their houses, the doors locked, and the curtains drawn. So there is absolutely no one out. Even the rats from the sewers seem to know better then to be out past night fall. But tonight is different. With everything happening, it's nice to go for a walk and clear the mind. Even if it's practically forbidden.. The wind is starting to pick up as I make my way towards my house. My light pink hair is beginning to fly everywhere along with my coat. I quickly button the center button so it doesn't fly off. As I make a turn down another street, I hear crunching behind me as if someone else was stupid enough to be out this late. I don't turn around and I definitely do not stop. We've all heard the rumors and stories about why we all stay inside before nightfall. People believe that.. something lurks among the city streets at night, waiting, hunting. For someone who was unlucky enough to be caught out past their bedtime. A lot of people have gone missing after being seen outside after dark. But no one is usually found.. Well alive that is. Numerous bodies have been found before, except for a select few who have never been disovered. All the bodies that we found have had their throats cut out, so that leaves room for superstitions as crazy as they come. I continue walking, picking up the pace as I enter a darker area. I wouldn't even think of going through here if there was a more direct way other than this one alley. The sounds bouncing through the dark and murky walls are creepy to say the least. I know for a fact someone is following me, but I am too tired and too sore to care. I just got out of the hospital after training with Naruto and Sai in the fields. I work at running the hospital as much as possible and usually get caught up with Naruto, either training or eating at Ichibad's before heading home. Tonight, I had worked late but promised the guys I'd eat with them which then basically turned into a training session after a couple stupid things were said. I make it out into the moonlight and basically sprint for my apartment that's further down across the street. It may just be paranoia, but I lock my door with a seal around my apartment as to prevent anyone from getting in that is using an unusual amount of chakra. I walk through and turn on any lights I see necessary to be on this late. "Freaking nerves.." I hiss out as I grab a bottle of wine from my cooler and a glass from the cabinet in the kitchen. It's not a small apartment but it's big enough for a small group to stand comfortably in, which is why I got this really... My friends and I always seem to have gatherings here or at Sai's... I don't know why though he never has anything but art and scrolls.. Not that the art is bad but there's just so much.. Tons and tons of art and scrolls.. That would be the main reason his house is a backup for mine. I walk to my room upstairs with a glass of red wine and my phone. I've learned from past experiences that it's not wise to not answer when one of my boys, or anyone I know really, calls. So I have to keep it on me at all times. I walk over and press play on my old stereo, it lets some weird noise out before playing a random song. I swear the damned thing hisses at me sometimes.. I set my glass down on the dark oak dresser by my door and walk to the bathroom to turn on the shower. I glance at my large balcony window before grabbing my clothes and stepping back into the humid air. I strip down to nothing before stepping into the hot water, letting my aching muscles relax into the warmth. I still can't believe the boys got into another fight, all because of me not drinking at dinner. Naruto thought it was because I was scared of turning into Tsunade who couldn't put the bottle down even as Hokage. Sai on the other hand just thought it was because Sake is disgusting, which it is. So in truth, both of them are right. I can't stand the taste and I don't want to have to try and run a hospital drunk. I can't even imagine trying to be a top medic with an alcohol problem. My thoughts are interrupted as my phone starts going off. "I'm walking on sunshine! Woah! I'm walking on sunshine! Wo-o-oah! I'm walking on sunshine and don't it-" I pick up, knowing who it is by the ringtone. "Naruto, I just saw you-" "Sakura! Can I come over?! It's creepy out here!" "What? Why can't you... Fine." I say tiredly as I turn the water down so I can hear better. "Okay good 'cause I'm outside now!" He says before someone starts banging on my front door. "Ugh hold on." I say before hanging up and turning the water off. I grab my teal towel and slip on my flats before running down the stairs, my hair still dripping all over the place. Honestly I just don't want him out there alone longer then need be. Bad memories.. "Hey! Thanks!" The blonde idiot says before running in behind me, leaving me staring at that dark alley again. A shadow moves slightly as I turn on the porch light. "Whatcha looking at?" He asks from behind me before I shake my head and turn the light off, leaving it dark again. "Thought I saw something.. Now what are you doing here?" I demand as I slam the door and lock it again. "Well you see.. Sai and I were gonna head home, but then we got distracted and ended up back at Ichibad's for another drink and Sai lives close to here so I had to walk alone in the dark and it's pretty damn scary out there." He says laying back against the couch. "And your reasoning for coming here instead of with Sai?" I ask, fixing my towel and walking into the kitchen. "I just wanted to see my Sakura." He says turning on the tv and kicking his shoes off before propping them up on the coffee table. I scoff as he leans back and gives me a sly toothy grin. He's grown a lot in the last few years, insanely handsome with his tan features and messy hair always sticking up in random places. Training in the summer is the best because he just so happens to not have a shirt on most of the time. "Sai wouldn't let you stay, would he?" I say laughing a little before heading towards the stairs. "No.. Hey where ya goin?" He asks as I start on the first step. "To finish showering and go to sleep. Which you need to do too. You reek." I say before walking up the stairs and heading to my room. This is actually a regular occurrence with him. Ever since Sasuke went missing at night, he's been wary about staying out after dark unaccompanied. So I let him stay in the guest room, but most of the time he'll end up in my room at some point during the night when he hears a noise. Which is okay, I mean I enjoy the company sometimes. I make my way to my bathroom and grab my glass I left on the dresser. It seems to have warmed up after being left out, it's a slightly redder color. After taking a sip and almost choking, I lock the door and slip back in the hot water. That wine had a strange irony taste to it, but the bottle isn't from Konoha. I get a lot of my wine from out of town. Okay so I don't drink sake but I do drink wine.. I'm a pretty heavy wine drinker. After finishing my shower, smelling like strawberries, and finishing the glass of wine, I throw on my bra and underwear and step back into the room. "Saku! Hey can I-" Naruto begins before seeing me half naked and standing there like a statue. "Naruto!! The hell?!" I scream before grabbing a shirt and throwing it on. "Sorry! Sorry! I was just uh.. Oh yeah! Can I use your shower?" "No! There's one downstairs for a reason." I say before grabbing my glass and walking back down stairs not bothering to grab pants. "But Sakura.." He whines as he follows me into the kitchen. I just pour another glass before leaning back on the counter and rolling my eyes. "Why?" "Well it gets scary down here and cold and your room is always so warm and smells amazing.. Just like you." He says, watching me as I examine the dark wine bottle. I don't really listen too carefully and instead read the bottle. The label says Dark Desires 1820.. The bottom is carved with a symbol.. "Sasuke?" I say as the symbol matches the Uchiha family symbol. "What?" Naruto says walking next to me and staring at the bottle. "This symbol.. Was Sasuke's family secretly into the wine business or something?" I ask, setting the bottle down and grabbing my glass again to examine the liquid. It's a deep red and doesn't have any bubbles or anything in it. "Not that I remember, but his brother wasn't really around so it could be from him. So can I?" He asks, giving me his sad face. No matter how hard I try I can't say no to his face. I giggle a little, blaming it on the wine and nod, exaggerating my sigh. "But how about I stay down here while you take a shower in the guest room and then go to bed." I say, trying to make a deal. It's not so much the privacy point as much as it is he always gets dirt all of my bathroom that I have to go back over and clean. "Fine.... But will you still see me to bed?" He says waiting for my nod but I simply shake my head causing him to look down sadly before taking off for the bathroom. I laugh a little and take my glass and sit on the couch. I pick up the remote and turn on the tv. The movie Big Fish is on. One of my absolute favorite movies with Ewan McGregor. A lot of things have changed over the years in Konoha. New couples, new missions, new people. Temari and Shikamaru ended up hitting it off after sparring a few times and meeting up on missions. Obviously Ino and Kiba after he helped her out on a mission to Suna. Then there's Naruto and I, mainly we just date without labeling it as that.. It's not that I'm scared of a relationship it's just.. I don't want anything to happen where he gets too attached. He's got a lot more possibilities than I do to become something, Hokage for one. So we keep it simple for now just acting normal unless one of us feels the need to get physical. I feel my eyes getting heavier before I finish off my second glass. - I feel someone pick me up and hold me to their chest. They smell nice.. Wait what? But I'm too tired to care so I just wrap my arms around the person's neck and snuggle into their chest. - "Sakura.." I'm running through the outskirts of town at night. Why? I'm too focused on getting away to even think about why. "Sakura, I will find you." A deep voice says from somewhere around me in the trees. I sense someone moving behind me and before I know it, I'm on the ground. With someone hovering over me. I can't see their face, but their eyes are a dark red and I watch as they get close to my neck. "Sakura, I've missed you." I hear the person say before they sink their teeth into the spot connecting my shoulder to my neck. It's an odd sensation causing me to let out a scream as I'm overcome with an ice feeling running through my veins. - "Sakura!" I shoot forward into someone's arms, shaking. That dream was so freaking real. "You okay?" Naruto asks, hugging me to him tightly. "Y-yeah.. That was just a fucked up dream.." I say quietly. I mean that was one of the realist dreams I've ever had.. And who was the guy? "What.. What time is it?" I ask, backing away from him on the bed. I notice it's finally light outside.. Really light out. "Only like 10." He says in a very nonchalant tone. "Oh ok-..." I begin until I realize what he just said. "It's already 10?!! I'm so freaking late!!" I scream, basically falling out of the bed, only to be caught by my waist. "It's Saturday.." "I have to meet Tsunade at 10:30 to discuss things for a new children's wing on the hospital!! Oh my-" I run into the bathroom and throw my toothbrush in as I run back into the room and fly around, grabbing different articles of clothing. "Sakura-" "Can you throw me that pwease." I say slightly before putting my toothbrush back in. "Sakura!" "What?!" "Granny called earlier and I moved the time for you." I pause and take a breath. "Oh shwe.. She.. you did?" I say, removing the toothbrush. He nods and chuckles at me. I look down and see that I'm half dressed with my hair all on one side and toothpaste on my chest. "Yeah.." I say awkwardly before backing into the bathroom. Oh my jeeze. That was so embarrassing! Wait why was that embarrassing? It's Naruto. I've had a whole wet t-shirt incident happen with him and Sai and Kakashi. Not to mention that time Lee stole my top so I had to run around the field half naked. I quickly pull back my hair and wash my face and chest of toothpaste and get rid of my toothbrush. I put a little eyeliner and mascara on and open the door. "You never got to kiss me goodnight Sakura, maybe that's why you had a bad bad dream?" Naruto says from my bed that he's laying shirtless on with only boxers on... I just roll my eyes and fall down next to him still in my underclothes, consisting of a teal bra and maroon underwear. "Sooo... Can I?" He asks turning to me hopeful. I just laugh until he takes that as a sign to go ahead. He pulls me over to him and begins to kiss me lightly So like I said before, I just haven't accepted telling everyone that we do these things about every other night.. I mean they already assume so why put the effort into that? He rolls me over so I'm on top of him, still kissing. Suddenly his mouth is now on my neck slowly creating circles with his tongue. This goes on for a few more minutes until we go to switch so he's on top. If I had bothered to check for anything weird I wouldn't have missed the man that made it through my window and was now staring at us. "Sai?! The hell is with you guys and sneaking into my apartment, uninvited?!" I basically scream, grabbing the shirt laying on the ground next to the bed and pushing Naruto off of me. "Naruto said I could come over... And nice shirt." He says causing me to glance down at the white shirt with the Uzumaki family crest on it. Literal face palm. "Gahh!!" I feel my eyebrow begin to twitch, so I take off down the stairs to grab breakfast. I reach up and rub my sore neck.. Sore neck? I lower my hand that seems to have something red on it. "The fuck?!" I run to the bathroom down the hall and switch on the light. I rub a sore spot between my collar bone and neck that has red on it. It comes off.. "It's just wine.." I say, letting out a breath of relief. "Hey, Sakura! You okay in there?" Naruto yells from the hallway, not wanting to invade my privacy. That's a first.. "Yeah!" I say coming out into the light cascading through the window to our right. - "Tsunade, we need a children's wing! I mean we don't have enough room already, but-" "Sakura, if you bothered to look before you came.. It's already been done." The hazel eyed woman before me says with a smirk before taking a swig from her sake bottle. "...What?" I say astonished. "You mean.." "Yes, I already had it added." She says causing me to freak. Like really freak. "You are THE best!!! Thank you so much!" I screech before running and hugging my grandmother tightly, almost knocking over the chairs I had been walking around. The reason I've been wanting to add a children's wing is because of the amount of young kids that try to go to the fields and train and end up needing help. Considering the fact we already usually have a large number of adults coming in from missions gone wrong children usually have to wait, so if we added a pediatric ward that would help with the kids getting treated. Plus I'd get my own giant office.. "Yeah, yeah. Now shoo, I've got 'work' to do." She says holding up her bottle and some paper work. I nod quickly before basically skipping out of the room. "Hey, Sakura. How'd it go?" Kakashi asks, leaning outside of the door on the tan wall. I don't even respond, I just hug him tightly, missing the slight red that spreads across his face. "G-Good, I assume." He stutters as I back up. Kakashi Hatake stuttering? Oh well I'm too excited to care. "It's been added! Let's go celebrate.. Wait, no I probably shouldn't, I mean I need to go and.." "No, you deserve it! You've worked over every night for the past two weeks, trying to get it done. I'll take you to the best place around." He says grinning under his mask, I can tell because his eye is squinted upwards. Even not being able to see his face Kakashi is still one of the more attractive men I've seen in my twenty years. With his grey hair sticking back allowing a full view of his handsome features. "Okay. Let's go then." I say smiling and kissing his cheek. The dark cloth tickles my lips as I linger for a second. "Thanks." I add before taking his arm and walking down the dim hall. Most likely dim so the light doesn't kill Tsunade with her hangovers she gets.. Kakashi's POV I can't believe what I'm seeing.. She's got her lab coat on, but only a low tank top and shorts. Not to mention all the skin showing from her beautiful milky legs. I know it's wrong to think about my student like this but.. She's grown into the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Her long pink hair and doe like emerald eyes are enough to push someone over the edge, but her curves are just.. She is the picture of beauty. And I know I'm not the only one who thinks so.. She's just so innocent and pure looking... Until you get her on the training fields then that's a whole other story.. She's made it so far from her younger years where she would need saving, now she's the one saving people. As we step into the sunlight, we are greeted with people scurrying by quickly, unless they see her and they slow down to stare at her. I glare at anyone who dares look longer than a second, but I go back to watching her as we walk over the cracks in the sidewalk. "Hey, Kakashi, you okay?" She asks as we walk out to another busy street. She caught me staring again... "Uh yeah! Yeah! Fine, just.. You've got something red on you." I say quickly, pointing to the red blotch on her neck... "Shoot! I thought I got it all off! I had some wine last night and.. Well the blonde idiot showed up and I fell asleep and apparently he wasn't careful taking the glass from me. Heh.." She says rubbing at the wrong spot. Before I know what I'm doing, I've reached out and rubbed the spot after licking my finger. She freezes and her face turns red. Sakura's POV Oh. My. Fuck. Is Kakashi wiping my neck off? After licking his finger? Woah there.. Calm down! I can't help the redness that crawls onto my face as he rubs against my neck. "S-sorry. You were missing it." He says, clearing his throat and turning into stone. If he's ever caught doing something he thinks is wrong he'll put on his stone façade and continue as usual. "T-thanks.." I basically squeak as we continue walking. Honestly, apart from our age difference, we'd probably be a perfect couple. But alas he's my sensei and more than likely doesn't even try to think of me in that way... It would be amazing though if he did.. I mean with his abilities going on missions with him would be an actual work out and he's helped me more than a few times in the past. Suddenly two arms snake their way around my waist, causing me to send my arm back defensively, only to have it caught by a hand. "Hey! Saku! Kakashi." Naruto says from behind me as he lifts me up. "Put me down!" I scream as he spins me around like a doll. "Aren't you two a sight for sore eyes." Kakashi all but hisses. I glance over to see Sai walking next to us with blank eyes. He's still not too keen with his emotions, but we've been working on that for a while now. "Sorry, were we interrupting something?" Sai says, almost sarcastically. Almost. "We were just headed to- lunch!" I scream as Naruto almost falls over the curb. "Put me down, damnit!!" I add until I'm set down gently. My boys.. Er well Naruto at least.. Naruto is the most rambunctious guy you'll ever meet. But hey, someone's gotta love him for it. "Sorry.." He says sadly before taking my arm. I really don't even try to fight it at this point. "Can we go to Ichibad's?! Please!!" Naruto yells causing me to hold my head. Just because I drink wine doesn't mean I don't get headaches after drinking a few glasses. It works weirdly for me. "We can just eat somewhere different Saturday night." I whisper to Kakashi as we change direction and head towards said place. The streets are filled with people, all busy and running to jobs or lunch. There is a group of kids playing on the street corner. I sigh as I remember the days that we were all kids who would just run around and annoy Kakashi to death, with Sasuke. Somewhere in the outskirts of town "I must have that beautiful doll.." "Didn't she try to kill you..?" "That's irrelevant." "I called dibs, yeah!" "Y'all are fucking wrong! I saw that hot bitch first!" "Yeah she probably loves to be called a bitch." "Bite me fishy!" "I would but I don't eat shit." "Fuck you and-!!" "Hey! I am the leader and what I say goes! Now shut it!" An orange haired man barks as the other men in the room grow silent before starting up again after a few heated glares. "Tobi likes the pretty woman!" "I wonder if she likes fish.." "Oh you fucking wish!" "Like she would ever look at you assholes. But me.. I've known her all my life.." "Wait.. What?! No fair, yeah!" A blonde yells as the younger Uchiha in the room stands up and walks towards the door. "Wrong again, brother. I was here years before you and took care of her when you were still a child." The older Uchiha says, half way snorting at the attitude of his brother. Some boys just have the need to be so damn dramatic.. "Did she ever want to be with you? Or cry when you disappeared? I don't think so!" The younger one yells like an angry toddler before stalking out of the room, earning multiple eye rolls from the other men in the room. "As Fucking if." A silver haired man says, rolling his eyes before continuing in the discussion. "I think it's his time of the month, yeah." Someone remarks earning a few chuckles before hearing a door slam. "Sakura.. I'm finally going to find you.. Tonight.." - "No staying the night at my house again." I say pointing at Naruto, earning a whine. "But Sakura.. I love our sleepovers! You're soo warm and you smell delicious!" I literally go blank. I cover my face with both hands and groan. "That's what you two do when he stays the night." Sai says from beside me, not exactly asking but just trying to call us out on it. "No!! He sleeps on the couch until something scares him and he runs up to me like a little girl!" I yell before stalking off, angrily. It's getting dark out. "I'll walk you home." Sai says as Naruto dramatically makes whining sounds. "No fair!" "Thank you, Sai." I say taking the artist's arm, he tenses up slightly. He tries to hide it but I see his faint blush and him glance at me. I've almost mastered figuring out sullen looking men and their expressionless faces and what they actually mean, lots of practice through the years. "Soo how's life." I say as we walk past Ino's' flower shop and take a right down another street that's full of children running before getting called inside. "Apart from being around idiots all the time. Fine." He says like a stone again. Well there went the hope of improving his emotions.. "'And how was your day my lovely Sakura?'" I say mimicking his voice. "Well thank you for asking, Sai! It was great." I tease, earning a scoff. "Well would you look at that. Here we are." I say looking at the two apartment buildings. Sai lives literally one apartment complex down from me. Naruto is just annoying. Cute and dreamy but annoying nonetheless... "See you tomorrow, Sakura." He says, walking up to his door, but he waits for me to get to mine and we walk into our separate houses at the same time. It may seem silly, but it's just a precaution after so many people have gone missing at night.. I lock my door and put the same seal on my house as last night.. And every other night. After making sure all is in check I walk in and grab a glass of water and walk up the tan carpeted stairs to my dark room to turn on the shower and take a bath. I start to set up my towel and move the curtain only to be interrupted. Funny how I can never just get into the shower right when I want. "Tiptoe through the window, by the window. That's where you'll-" I pick up quickly, I hate that creepy song. I only have it because Ino hates it too and I like messing with her. "What's up, Ino?" "Girl!! You'll never guess what just happened!" "What?! Did you finally learn how to fly?!" I say sarcastically, making a pig reference. "What?! Oh what? Hey, no! Kiba just proposed!!!" She all but squeals into the phone. I put her on speaker and walk around to find my night clothes. "How'd he do it?" I say, trying not to sound jealous. I mean we are twenty finally, but she always does everything before me. And I mean everything.. Except when it comes to work or training. "We were just hanging out, ya know! And next thing I know we're making out and-" "Ino, you know I don't like hearing about your sex life." I say loudly so she can hear me. I pick up my hamper of clean clothes and start putting them away in the appropriate drawers before tossing some on my bed. "Oh stop being so uptight! It's not my problem you won't let anyone touch you. I mean you've got Naruto, Kakashi, and Sai! Three guys! Three! All who want to get in your pants and be with you, obviously really really badly! Oh and Gaara and-" "Get back to your story." I say huffing as I walk back into the bathroom to turn off the water once it's filled the tub. "Okay so we were making out and he grabbed my hands and then Akamaru interrupted us and I was pissed until I saw the dog smiling! Smiling! With a ring on one tooth!! It was soo romantic!" She says, sighing dreamily into the phone. Ugh she always gets things like this first.. Even if it is a ring with dog slobber on it.. "That's great! I call maid of honor!" "Well duh! And I'm sure one day you'll give in to one of those guys and lose your V card. And then live happily ever after." I scoff at her remark and throw off my shirt onto the floor in the bathroom. "Uhh who said I still had it?" I comment, smirking a little as I hear her sputter a bit. "Oh come on, you would've told me.. Right? Right?!" "Congrats Pig, bye!" I say laughing as I hang up and walk back into the bathroom with clean underclothes. I add a strawberry bath bomb to the water and then slip in after it's disintegrated, turning the water a pink color. I sigh a bit thinking about how far she and I have come in our friendship.. Back when we were a lot younger we used to fight all the time once we realized there was a cute boy our age, little did we know how fruitless it was to fight for him. We weren't always brats to each other, I mean she helped my self esteem when I was close to giving up on trying. She would help me with my hair and added a bow to it to bring the attention away as much as possible. Then after a while we were just talking about different things and we both brought up we liked someone and when we found out it was the same person.. We weren't going to let the other win just like everything else we tried for. After I was on the same team with said guy we just fought even more but eventually we both gave up after countless rejections and made up and became really good friends. I wouldn't exactly say I trusted her with my life but everything else? Sure. "Looks like she actually beat me this time.." I sigh out, sinking further into the water. My pink hair starts to rise to the surface before floating around me as I move my head. - After a soothing bath and many strange noises from my room later, I put my bra and underwear on and walk into my now dark room. I almost call out to whatever was here, assuming Naruto just let himself in until I hear something creak in the closet. Even Naruto knows that freaky trying to scare me shit doesn't fly. He learned that the hard way and still has a scar to prove it. I grab a kunai quietly from the dresser and hold it in my defensive stance. I listen for more movement which probably wouldn't have been a big deal had I not seen something move slightly behind the sliding door to the left. I'm not one to fuck around with intruders... Unless it's Naruto.. "I know you're there." I say loudly as I wait for something. I reach over and turn on the light in my closet and room, hearing an instant hissing noise from the same place as the creak. "Sakura.." I recognize the voice almost immediately. I've dreamt of this voice for the past eight years. "S-Sasuke?!" I practically yell as he opens the closet slowly. He's got pale almost white skin and black eyes with a hint of red that seem to be staring right through me. His hair has stayed the same coal color with the back spiked and the front framing his face. His overall appearance seems to have gotten more.. Handsome... If that's even possible for an Uchiha. "What the hell?! What happened to you?! It's been eight years!! What the fuck dude?! We were all worried sick! And I.. I.." I begin before looking at the water in my glass on the dresser. "I need a drink." I say, walking into the hall, completely avoiding the man standing in my room. Sasuke's POV I watch as she walks away, she's even more beautiful than I remember. Her porcelain legs have gotten longer and more toned and her stomach is flat and has a few marks adorning it, probably scars... Her face is unbelievable. She is honestly the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.. Her light green eyes and light pink hair give her an innocent look that matches what Ino said about her still being a.. My throat clenches as my brain even tries to think of the word again. It's funny how before I was a total douche and now.. Now I can't imagine not knowing her. She's a picture of beauty in her own unique way, looking innocent but fierce at the same time.. Why the hell is she having this effect on me? "Are you coming?" I hear from down the stairs. I quickly transport myself to the kitchen, not going unnoticed by her. Her eyes widen before she reaches for a kunai laying carelessly on the table. "Are.. Are you a.. A-" She stutters trying to think of the word to describe what I'd have to be to be able to do this. "A demon?" I finish her sentence, leaving her astonished but glaring nonetheless. "Yeah.." She remarks, her finger tips gliding from the top of the blade down to the ring hold, not taking her eyes off of me. "Yes, among others.." I glance briefly at her hand to watch her reaction. Although she used to be weak, her chakra was no where near what I'm sensing now. This fact alone makes me keep my guard up. "Vampires don't belong in the city.. That's why you left? Your brother.. he.. So now you kill people? For no reason other than your own need!" She begins to raise her voice and fully grabs the kunai, prepared to slash at me. I react quickly and activate my eyes. "You will forget that I have to kill people." I grumble out at having to say that to her. It's silly and cliché I know, but hey that's an issue people don't usually like to just gloss over. "So what have you been doing all this time..?" She asks warily, setting down the small weapon before walking towards her wine cooler and pulling out a bottle. I watch as she cautiously moves to get a glass and pour herself a half a glass before mumbling something and pouring it to the brim instead. Unless wine has gotten much more disgusting, that's not wine.. My senses tingle and my eyes begin to turn completely red, everything in my being telling me to attack. "What is that?" I say, smelling the putrid liquid even more. "An odd bottle of wine I got the other day as a gift from someone.." She responds before drinking some out of a glass she poured. Wait.. That's the.. Fuck. "Don't drink any more of that!" I yell, grabbing the bottle and trying to control myself from almost throwing it across the room. Even in my dazed state I can still process that that would not be a very welcome thing to do in her house. "What are you doing?!" She yells back causing me to flinch at how her voice screeches. "This isn't all wine." I explain before I feel her standing closer, looking over my shoulder with her barely clothes chest pressed against my arm as she looks at the bottle. I almost fall to my knees. Her sweet scent blocks out the bottle and leaves tingles throughout my mind. Without thinking I find myself almost leaning my face towards hers. Strange thing is, she's not moving away. Instead she's staring into my eyes as if waiting for instructions on what to do. Sakura's POV I almost drop to the ground at his thundering voice, and almost drop the glass bottle. I regain my composure though and question his yell, only to be met with obsidian eyes that seem to smolder me on the spot. I try to move but can't seem to feel my body at all.. Wait is he leaning towards me? All I can do is stare at his lips and feel my heartbeat increase tenfold. I mean to pull away, but I just can't find it in myself to even look away. It's like I can't control my actions... "Sakura.." He whispers. That voice. That's the one from my dream! I strangely let him venture closer to my lips as I feel his hot breath grace my skin. He sets down the bottle on the table before setting his hand on my waist. "Sakura.." He says once again as we get closer, barely letting there be a hair space between us. I take in his strange scent as he is about to close the gap between us. He smells of rain and.. Pine.. It's intoxicating and I don't realize it until a couple seconds after that we are finally touching. "Mmnmn.." I release a breath I didn't realize I was holding in. The kiss is light, almost tender as I step closer and wrap my arms around his neck kind of reluctantly. I allow him to wrap his arms around my waist, bringing me closer and pressing us together. My tongue suddenly traces his bottom lip, teasing him almost. "S-Sakura.." "Don't stutter. You sound too much like my blonde idiot." I say, smiling against his lips as he does the same. Wait.. My blonde idiot.. My smile fades almost immediately.. He is pulling me flush against him as he begins another kiss that is harder than the first one. I try to force myself to pull away, thinking of Naruto and how wrong this really is, but my body won't move. I don't know why my body is giving into him, I mean I haven't seen him in years and he shows up and takes away my wine.. Well I mean it's not like I don't have more, but still. I feel him slowly nip at my bottom lip before tracing his tongue along it. I somehow manage to regain my composure and pull away quickly. "So care to explain the bottle that someone had to pay for?" I ask as I glance at the bottle that's been completely disregarded. "It isn't wine... My brother and his foolish minions decided to send you a bottle of their.." He begins but oddly shies away before finishing his sentence. "Their what?" I demand, glaring in his general direction with the way this night has gone. "Their blood. Well it is mostly wine. Like 98% wine and 2% blood." He finally gets out, almost rubbing the back of his neck but he refrains. "Oh so like drinking 2% milk. Great. What does that mean for me?" I say as I find another bottle in my cooler. "If you had finished it all, you would almost be like me." "Wait... Why are you here again?" I ask, finally registering everything. This guy comes back after eight years as a vampire and breaks into my apartment for some reason. Sasuke Uchiha is not the visiting type so there's got to be a reason. "Well.. I uh.. Itachi and the Akatsuki group are.. They want you to.." "If you don't spit it out soon I'm going to kick your sulking ass out of my house." I say, getting irritated at his stuttering. It feels like some sort of spell just wore off.. The eyes. He had me with his eyes. That bastard. "The guys want you." He finally says, glaring at the wall behind me. I turn around and try to find the source of his anger. "I see you've decided to get the girl before we had the chance to." A man with dark hair and red eyes says from the chair in the corner of the living room. It's too dark to see features but from the odd chakra I can assume.. "Itachi. Why are you here?" He seethes out before stepping around me. I glare in his direction before stepping beside him, I don't like people trying to fight for me when I can handle myself. "What reason do I have for not claiming the blossom here." The man says before my assumptions are correct and I freeze a little more. Itachi Uchiha. The famous missing killer. He murdered almost all of his clan, but he left his brother and mother. His other family consisted of over 15 people. After the bodies were found, he went missing and no one has seen him since. Even though he left the select few alive.. They were just empty shells.. They had nothing really left, the only thing keeping Sasuke alive was his mother and his decision to live his life in hate towards his brother.. As long as I tried I could never change him out of that and then one day he was just.. Gone.. He stayed out too late and was taken.. His mother seemed on the brink of death but the Hyuuga Clan took her in for some reason.. I think it was for possibly superficial reasons but it did help her, she's still living there today. Okay back to reality here.. I back up a few steps, only to back into someone. I quickly turn and am faced with a giant blue man. He looks like a shark, complete with black eyes and pointed facial features, including gill looking things by his nose. He's got to be at least seven feet in height, I have to look up to see his face which should be intimidating but I'm too focused on what the fuck is happening to even consider intimidation. My eyes go wide and I back up into someone else, this time it's a blonde with blue eyes.. Who looks exactly like Ino... What the fuck? Wait.. No No No. "What's wrong, dear brother? Expecting someone else?" Itachi says, standing up and walking towards the door way. The Ino imposter is staring at my chest and eyeing my figure, I almost growl before his blue eyes snap back to mine. Why was he even.. My face goes red as I realize that I'm topless except for a bra and only have my shortest shorts on.. Why? Because it was supposed to be hot and Naruto was possibly coming over later.. A girl has to present herself sometimes.. As I move to get out from between the two men I hit another body. I look up to see a redhead. A redhead I thought was dead. A few years ago, when I was younger, our group was attacked and this guy decided to try and kill Naruto. I had grabbed the nearest thing, which happened to be a katana, and I Thought I had sliced through his torso. Key word now is thought. My breath hitches as I fully start realizing who they all are.. The Akatsuki. The most dangerous.. Creatures within.. Well anywhere. I focus my face back on the red headed demon before me, my eyes slit as I tighten my fist. His chestnut eyes watching my every move with amusement clearly evident in his expression. I feel my blood boil and my chakra start to collect in my fists. "Surprised to see me, doll." Sasori says as he steps forward, causing me to take steps back, right into another freaking person. I turn quickly and come face to face with a silver haired man with violet eyes who has a sly grin on his face. Any other fucking people?! "You're one hot bitch." He says looking at me hungrily. "Excuse me?!" I yell before they all step closer, boxing me in. Before I can retort against this pig I focus on freaking out about all of them.. It's not the fact of being scared so much as the fact of being surrounded by bloodthirsty criminals while you're half naked. "Leave me alone!" I scream as I turn around quickly, watching all of them. Their eyes all red. I begin to freak out, my breathing quickens and I feel lightheaded. "I.." I take a deep intake of breath as my vision blurs. No.. No.. No please no don't faint... "Just relax, yeah." The blonde man says looking into my eyes and taking my arm lightly. "N-Naruto.." I say quietly, hoping he felt the surge I sent him through the floor. My connection with the elements is one of the strongest in the village so I'm able to send vibes through the ground to other people. It's odd but hey I don't question it when it's pretty handy. "Isn't that cute, she has a little boyfriend. But of course, not for long, yeah." The blonde guy says, reaching for my face. I try to tear my face away from his hand but I take another intake of breath and feel myself falling. Sasuke's POV I can't believe them. She never had a chance when they all surrounded her and enacted their eyes. She looked like she was restraining her terrified expression as she fainted into Sasori. Of course it was him. If she knew, she'd attempt to kill him again. We all saw the hatred in her eyes when she saw him.. "What is your problem?" Someone asks as I stalk towards them and her. She fainted with a pained expression. I walk to her and pick her up under her knees and shoulders. "Hey leave the fucking shirt off seriously." Hidan remarks with a grin, earning a couple agreements but I just scoff. "You are all pigs." I say before appearing in her room. I lay her gently on the bed. Her sheets are a lavender color with an odd stitched comforter sprawled out across part of the bed. Her room isn't very big, but it has a lot of... personality.. She has pictures of us hanging on her walls, along with pictures of her with Sai and the other two. His expression looks like me when I was younger. Emotionless. I never showed anything after the massacre of my family. Little did I know the full reason behind it. It's why I'm not As hostile towards my brother as I once was. I walk towards her closet where I assume she has clothes hanging up. How wrong I am. She has a weapons shrine, along with shoes and... Blankets.. She's so odd.. But intriguing nonetheless. "Hn." I walk back to the short, but stout, old dresser that her mother used to have before they went missing. None of us actually know what happened to them though. So it wasn't us.. They honestly just disappeared. Which isn't the better alternative here.. If you really think about it that means that they just up and left their 12 year old daughter to fend for herself... The dobe's family took her in though, until she was 18 and wanted to go out on her own. I find a pair of sweatpants and an oversized shirt. A very oversized shirt. With the Uzumaki crest on it. I throw it to the ground and grab a small long sleeved shirt and gently slip her arms through and then the rest of her into the shirt. She's like a doll, fragile and close to breaking. I try to be as careful as I can hoping she won't wake up to me dressing her, but with how many of them used their eyes she may be out for a while. "What are you doing? We were enjoying the view, yeah!" Deidara yells as the others stand at the threshold of the door. Unwilling or unable to enter the room, except for Sasori.. I smirk as I realize what she did. She put a seal on her room that prevents anyone that she hasn't physically touched from coming in. That would help with any intruders that weren't supposed to be here. I make a low growling noise as the red haired puppet master nears us. "Fuck off strings." I growl out as he eyes her, his fingers start to glow blue before I pick her back up and walk towards the window. There's suddenly loud banging at the front door.. and yelling. We all turn towards the noise and begin to disappear "Sakura?!! Are you okay?!" I hear the blonde haired dobe I used to train with, yelling from outside her front door. I roll my eyes as the others are gone, leaving me to walk back to our base with her. I don't mind in the least bit though, all of them are just ignorant and don't know how to treat her. She's so beautiful.. Her hair has grown way past her shoulders and sways in the wind as I walk. Her expression has turned from pained to.. Relaxed. She slowly curls into my arms, causing me to pause and stare as her small hands work their way up and around my neck so she can rest her head on my shoulder. She almost glows as the moon illuminates her pale skin, giving her the appearance of a ghost almost.. Her dark lashes dust her pink tinted cheeks that lead down to her pink lips slightly stained from the wine she had been drinking earlier. "N.. Naruto.." I hear her almost moan as I start walking again. Of course the dobe would get her.. I should never have left to find Itachi. She tried to stop me, but I was too stubborn to care about what she had to say.. That's why one night I snuck back to erase the memory of me leaving and calling her annoying for crying. I replaced it with the memory of me just disappearing like her parents. Don't know of that's better or worse.. "S..S-" She starts to groan out before her eyes begin to flutter. I freeze. Sakura's POV I had an odd dream. Like really odd. I dreamt that Sasuke showed up and then the whole Akatsuki group appeared in my house. Funny dream.. Why am I swaying? And not in my bed.. I begin to open my eyes and am faced with a dark shirt and pale skin. "What.. What's going on?!" I begin to struggle as I feel arms tighten around me. I start pushing away until I fall to the ground. It's cold and covered in leaves. I'm in the forest surrounding the town of rain. "Sakura, calm down! It just me!" A voice says from above me. It's.. Sasuke.. It wasn't a dream. "Why.. Why am I not in my house?" I say looking around, but keeping him in my peripheral vision. "I told you why.. They want you." "So you kidnap me?!" I begin sending shocks through the ground through my hands. "Naruto will find me. And so will Kakashi and don't get me started on Tsunade." I say as he begins to reach for me. I don't know why I feel threatened but something is up, my memories of everything surrounding him are foggy. "Did.. Did you do something with my head?" I ask before putting my hands to my temples and pushing my chakra into the foggy parts. Words flash through my eyes. Death. Disappearing. Blood. Killer. Akatsuki. "You're.. You kill people." I say blankly as I stare into the sky. "We can discuss everything once we get to the base, the sun is going to be up within the hour." He says before taking one of my hands. I feel instant relief course through my body, but I fight it. This is how they can get people away from others. They feel unthreatened and do anything they are asked. That makes sense with all the missing person cases, it's mainly young or middle aged women, which would be easier to lure away than a grown man. "I.. I don't want to go with you." I finally get out even after my body protests about it. "But what about.. You don't have a choice here." He says before turning cold and grabbing my arms. He throws me over his shoulder as I start to struggle until I look at the trees flying by.. It's beautiful.. They all look like one of those old oil paintings where nothing is definite and it's all blurred together. It looks so unbelievably beautiful that I don't even realize the arms holding me to a firm body. Before I know it, we stop at a large.. Building? It looks like it could be anything from a house to a workers mill. "I'm supposed to take your chakra away so you can't leave." He says stoically as I look around us absentmindedly. "I.. I don't want to disappear." I say looking back at the building and remembering the new addition to my hospital. Tsunade just had it added for me.. "The new ward!.. I'm not.." I say quietly to myself as I realize what's happening. I'm never going to see the new children's ward that I worked so hard to get passed by the committee. I'll never see Tsunade again either.. My own grandmother or mother better yet, she always looked after me when I was a child and even as I grew up. I feel my face drop and I fight back tears thinking about losing all of the people I care for.. Ino and Kiba's wedding.. I won't get to see any of my friends get married.. But I can fight. "I.." I hear him start before a loud banging comes from inside the building. "She's here!!! The beautiful lady is here!! Tobi wants to see her!!" Screaming starts erupting from the doorway of the place. "Get inside!! You'll scare her away! Yeah!" "Fucking dumbass." "Stop!" Suddenly a figure runs from beside the house. Headed directly for me. "Stop him! He's gonna kill her!" The shark man from before yells as the group runs after him. I let out a strangled scream as the guy almost clobbers me, but I'm pulled up just in time to escape him. I stand completely still as I register what just happened. "Holy fuck. Tobi! You almost killed her!" The grey haired man yells as they start to run to where I'm at. The guy that caused all of the noise and everything is a decent height with an orange mask covering his face, he's wearing a black t shirt and black pants that stop at the ankle. His black hair is spiked over the mask and he looks like a grown man just acting like a child, he gives off an odd aura.. This is Tobi? I finally glance down from the tree I'm standing in, but Sasuke is standing there glaring at a spot behind me. "Wha-.." I turn around and find myself in Itachi Uchiha's arms. His face is blank but his dark eyes are gleaming with some sort of emotion.. "I.. You.. He.. Me.." I stutter before feeling his arms push me away. I almost squeal as he just drops me from the branch, but turn brace myself for the fall. Instead of hitting the ground, blue arms wrap around me before my feet can even touch the ground. "Asshole.." Someone grumbles from behind me. I'm just in shock at this point. First I'm kidnapped, then some random kid tries to clobber me to death, and then I'm pushed from a tree. The hell is up with my day?! "Tobi wants to meet the pretty lady!!" The guy from before begins to whine as I'm held in place, midway between the ground and the tree branch. The arms around me belonging to the shark man, the very muscular man... No not even starting that. "I.. What in the hell is going on?!" I demand as I'm set down gently. Everyone stares at me as I look around at them and remember everything. My feet begin to hurt as I realize I'm shoeless and standing in the sharpest bed of roots I've ever stood on. I step down onto something soft.. Of course I stepped on someone's feet. "S-sorry." I apologize quickly and step away onto more roots causing more pain than before. Wait why the hell am I apologizing they are the ones who took my shoes in the first place! "Where are my shoes?!" I yell before I'm picked up again. "Inside." An orange haired man with piercings says as he watches the arms that pick me up like a child. I don't even bother to look at the shark man I know is holding me again. I smell the slightest hint of fish, it's not terrible which isn't a good thing. I need to hate these men. They kill people and don't even care.. But why would he.. Oh never mind. "I.. Don't understand." I say as he begins walking towards the house, followed closely by the others. The door way is hidden slightly under an overhanging porch like thing, causing a shadow to reach out a few yards, it's almost ominous looking if it wasn't for the weird looking... Mailbox? No not a mailbox it's more of a bin with scribbles on it. "So she's the girl everyone is crazy over?" A blue haired woman says as we walk into what I assume is a living room. It's dim and a little too man-cavey for me. There are a couple dark colored couches and a pool table in the far corner, there's a big flat screen against the wall to my left with movies in a bookshelf type thing under it and... Video games? Skilled assassins have a PlayStation... I allow my eyes to look through the rest of the room. There's a lamp and an arm chair in the corner past the tv and then a full sized book case with hundreds of books. After the book case is a small side table and then a door way leading into a dimly lit hallway then another hallway to the right of this doorway, it's under the stairs leading up into blackness. "I can see why." She adds to her previous statement as I'm finally set down onto the soft dark colored rug spread across the floor. "Come on! Go find your own girl! She's into guys!" Someone yells as the woman eyes my figure. I feel my face turn red as she pauses at my chest that's slightly showing too much cleavage. That's why I never wear this shirt in certain situations, it's too revealing. I wrap my arms around my chest after I pull up my shirt. The woman still stares at me through toffee colored eyes and bluish purple hair. Her figure is somewhat hidden under the large black cloak with red clouds on it, I can tell she's barefoot and wearing what seems to be leggings. This is Konan. "You're fucking hot. I'm Hidan." The silver haired man says as he looks me over hungrily. I just roll my eyes, I've dealt with this kind before; overly cocky with inflated pride. "That's great I so wanted to know." I huff out sarcastically before he goes to grab my ass causing me to spin around and deck him square in the jaw. I smirk happily, satisfied after hearing a pop. That is until I hear him groan out like he enjoyed it causing me to scowl at the man now reaching for my leg, he moves his hand up to pop his jaw somehow without a medics help and stands up looking even more intrigued. Fuck my life. I deliver a swift kick to his ribs hearing a crunch even with no shoes on. He falls back, smiling the whole way. "Stop fucking smiling!" I yell before chucking the nearest thing which happened to be a tan colored lamp at him. I successfully hit the part of him I was hoping for causing him to groan even louder but still in pain as any guy would be if they got a lamp to the crotch. "That was so fucking funny!" The blonde one, Deidara I think, says as he is almost rolling on the ground from laughing so hard. "Heh at least it shut him up for once." Kisame, the shark man, says smirking at me almost admiring my work of turning Hidan into a fucking toy. "The lamp! What the fuck we have to pay for that! Who the fuck is she?!" A man with old newspaper looking skin yells as he walks in eyeing the lamp them glaring at me. He's got green eyes and dark hair.. Kakuzu I think. "Who the fuck are you?!" I yell back brazenly as he looks like he could kill me. "Oh shit here we go about finances again.." "I am the financier of this fine establishment and you little bug just destroyed something we will have to waste money on! I should eat you!" He growls out which would've been intimidating had he not been looking at the lamp longingly. "Oh fuck off!" I yell causing him to start stalking towards me only to be cut off by Kisame stepping in front of me and glaring, almost growling at the other man. "Hey! Shut up! It's just a lamp but no more smashing stuff around here to keep the peace. Konan would you please.." Pein, their orange haired leader if I remember correctly says pinching the bridge of his pierced nose. "Don't worry, you'll get used to them soon enough, but for now I'm gonna get you a shirt that doesn't distract everyone so much. I'm Konan, by the way." Said woman says, grabbing my arm and taking off down into the dark hallway under the stairs. Okay I hate the dark. Like nothing in this wide world scares me more. I'd rather be stuck in a burning room then in a pitch black room. "Lights!" I squeak as we walk further into the dark nothingness that's threatening to swallow me whole. "Oh! Sorry! I've gotten so used to it.. Here we go!" She says as the lights along the walls click on. I relax a bit and continue walking through the wood paneled hallway. I start contemplating running out the window at the far end but I feel it would be completely useless due to the group of vampires within this place. It's not that I'm scared believe me I'd beat some ass if given the chance, but I know when I'm outmatched and the whole Akatsuki? Way above my level. I'll just try to beat who I can and go from there.. "So.. I should turn all the lights on around here huh?" Konan says as we walk up a few stairs. At least she's trying to be nice to me compared to the others.. I've had my fair share of men trying to get in my pants but those guys.. whole new level. "Uh yeah.. I can't handle the dark too well." I say quietly before we stop in front of a light oak door with cherry blossom designs carved into it. "Wha.." "They've all been Extremely excited since they decided to snatch you.. Which I guess is understandable, but they're all a bunch of creeps if you ask me.. That's why I'm cool both ways." Who'd have thought they planned taking me so far that they carved a door.. Someone has a bit too much time on their hands.. I bet it was the blonde he looks very... flamboyant. I laugh to myself a little as she reaches for the handle. I gasp loudly as she opens the door, revealing a light purple room that looks exactly like mine.. Except for my pictures.. The bed is on the far right wall next to the bathroom, there's my dresser next to the door we walked in and a closet on the wall across from my bed to the left of us. I see two outlines of windows on the far wall but they're covered by dark curtains. I look over to the bedside table to find my stupid radio and half broken lamp. "Is this.. How?!" "We're supernatural beings with teleportation abilities. We can do anything. Even move furniture from one house to another." I walk in hurriedly and look in my dresser, hoping to find a shirt I had in there before. Naruto's shirt. "Not all of my clothes are here." I comment as I glance around quickly looking for the shirt. If I find it, I can send a message to him through it. It's weird but it works. "Sasuke was the one who dealt with most of it, so I don't know." She says leaning in the doorway. Oh course that asshole would be the one to handle my things.. I know he's not physically an asshole but I sure damn could've mistaken his personality for one. "You do have a nice choice of underwear though." Konan laughs and winks at me but I'm too focused on finding anything that I can that Naruto would've held or anything.. But there's nothing. I look around a bit dumbfounded at this whole thing.. At least the room is nice.. Right?
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